Does the Church really know how to use God's Law?

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00:00.370 --> 00:05.146 [TB]: We know where to speak both the law and the gospel, but are we okay with using the law?

00:05.959 --> 00:10.681 [TB]: If we were, wouldn't it stand that our culture wouldn't be in the mess that it's in?

00:11.402 --> 00:16.704 [TB]: Could it be that we're actually giving the law lip service and are pragmatic gospel reductionists?

00:17.344 --> 00:21.166 [TB]: In today's show, we're considering this in the light of Christ as his lamp stands.

00:21.706 --> 00:29.510 [TB]: And along the way, we have some of your comments to address, a Goddestine's post, and a preview of the trailer for the Letter to the American Church documentary.

00:29.890 --> 00:33.912 [TB]: It's all coming up right here, right now, on The Truth at All Costs.

00:44.403 --> 00:46.986 [TB]: Welcome to Truth at All Costs, my friends.

00:47.006 --> 00:47.847 [TB]: I'm your host, Rev.

00:47.867 --> 00:48.728 [TB]: Tyrell Bramwell.

00:48.808 --> 00:50.230 [TB]: I'm the pastor of St.

00:50.270 --> 01:03.245 [TB]: Mark Lutheran Church out here in Ferndale, California, where, get this, get this, my friends, we hosted our first Freedom of Conscience and Religious Liberty Conference this last October, and we'll be hosting another one this coming October.

01:03.865 --> 01:08.806 [TB]: The good Reverend Dr. Adam Koontz was our keynote speaker, a brilliant speaker.

01:09.526 --> 01:13.087 [TB]: And you can listen to the first hour of his talk on my YouTube channel.

01:13.327 --> 01:15.988 [TB]: You can go to forward slash Tyrell Bramwell.

01:16.068 --> 01:19.469 [TB]: And the link of course is in the description to this video.

01:20.229 --> 01:22.389 [TB]: Part two will be coming out soon.

01:22.930 --> 01:30.411 [TB]: So if you're not subscribed to the channel and haven't clicked the notification bell to know when I post new videos, you might want to do that.

01:30.651 --> 01:32.472 [TB]: Kind of seemed like a good time to get that done.

01:32.512 --> 01:32.652 [TB]: Yeah.

01:33.254 --> 01:34.075 [TB]: Yeah, I think so.

01:34.836 --> 01:37.438 [TB]: Okay, so a new podcast, right?

01:37.959 --> 01:39.060 [TB]: But the same old host.

01:39.801 --> 01:41.562 [TB]: Maybe you know what to expect.

01:41.903 --> 01:48.269 [TB]: Maybe you're just finding us and you don't know the slightest thing about this show and about me, the pastor, the host.

01:48.950 --> 01:53.695 [TB]: Well, you're in for straight talk about the culture from the Christian perspective.

01:54.321 --> 02:02.226 [TB]: No pandering, no placating, no politically correct lies to make your Aunt Millie feel better about not offending your lesbian cousin.

02:02.547 --> 02:03.267 [TB]: We're Christians.

02:03.907 --> 02:07.090 [TB]: We love Aunt Millie and we love your lesbian cousin too.

02:07.730 --> 02:11.052 [TB]: We love them too much to not speak freely about the truth.

02:11.853 --> 02:24.061 [TB]: Our aim at truth at all costs is to be faithful to the whole counsel of God's word, understanding the zeitgeist of our day and therefore what battlefield we're actually standing on.

02:25.241 --> 02:31.483 [TB]: I truly appreciate hearing from all of you, so leave a comment on the video if you're watching on YouTube or on Spotify.

02:31.943 --> 02:35.185 [TB]: You can also send me a voice message over there on Spotify.

02:35.445 --> 02:39.806 [TB]: You can connect with me on Instagram or on X. My username is just my name.

02:40.106 --> 02:40.926 [TB]: Go figure, right?

02:41.367 --> 02:42.167 [TB]: Tyrell Bramwell.

02:42.647 --> 02:47.068 [TB]: You can also send me an email at slash contact.

02:47.769 --> 02:50.489 [TB]: All right, so into the show.

02:50.790 --> 02:51.430 [TB]: The kids sing

02:52.369 --> 02:55.511 [TB]: This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.

02:55.931 --> 02:59.053 [TB]: As a way to learn what Jesus taught in Matthew 5, right?

03:00.354 --> 03:04.597 [TB]: After delivering the beatitude, Jesus said, you are the light of the world.

03:05.117 --> 03:12.482 [TB]: A city set on a hill cannot be hidden, nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand.

03:13.162 --> 03:15.924 [TB]: And it gives light to all in the house.

03:17.125 --> 03:20.847 [TB]: In the same way, let your light shine before others.

03:21.596 --> 03:27.200 [TB]: so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

03:28.541 --> 03:31.023 [TB]: It's a cute song, right?

03:31.743 --> 03:47.354 [TB]: Little boys and little girls with their sweet little voices and their fingers held out as if they were candles shining the light of Christ, temporarily hiding their finger candle under their other hand's bushel before shouting, no, I'm gonna let it shine.

03:48.395 --> 03:49.076 [TB]: We're teaching them

03:49.858 --> 03:55.600 [TB]: to be excited about evangelism, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, and not being ashamed of it.

03:56.100 --> 04:08.103 [TB]: But then they age out of preschool, and they learn that, well, all the adults, they have, practically speaking, hidden their little lights under every proverbial bushel that they can find.

04:09.043 --> 04:14.785 [TB]: It's as if they're taught that the Beatitudes end with the merciful, the pure in heart, and the peacemakers.

04:16.605 --> 04:17.926 [TB]: Do our children ever

04:18.789 --> 04:20.730 [TB]: Witness the last two beatitudes.

04:21.551 --> 04:27.054 [TB]: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

04:27.394 --> 04:36.359 [TB]: Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.

04:36.699 --> 04:39.080 [TB]: And all the beatitudes are realized in Jesus.

04:39.701 --> 04:47.225 [TB]: He's the blessed one, and he has blessed us with being members of his blessed body to bless others.

04:48.387 --> 04:51.889 [TB]: through our being Jesus to them as we are.

04:52.489 --> 04:53.069 [TB]: As St.

04:53.089 --> 04:59.132 [TB]: Paul writes, for to me to live is Christ, to be Christ to my neighbor and to die is gain.

04:59.872 --> 05:03.494 [TB]: If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me.

05:03.954 --> 05:05.375 [TB]: Philippians 1, 21 and 22.

05:06.075 --> 05:12.498 [TB]: And so the wise Reverend Dr. David Scare writes in his book, The Sermon on the Mount.

05:12.538 --> 05:13.599 [TB]: If you haven't read it, you should.

05:14.704 --> 05:29.655 [TB]: The Logion of being light addresses the Church's redemptive importance for the world, followed by a threat if that redemptive function is not carried out.

05:29.755 --> 05:37.241 [TB]: Through the disciples' preaching of the words of Jesus, the world will be preserved and saved from God's impending judgment.

05:37.861 --> 05:42.145 [TB]: The disciples' function is to proclaim the message of Jesus.

05:43.120 --> 05:47.205 [TB]: Unless he performs this function, he's no longer a disciple.

05:48.426 --> 05:50.729 [TB]: The disciple has become foolish.

05:51.830 --> 05:54.634 [TB]: And this is what the original words of Matthew suggest.

05:55.174 --> 05:59.640 [TB]: Again, if you haven't read Sermon on the Mount by Dr. Scare, you definitely should.

06:00.646 --> 06:16.100 [TB]: The good reverend goes on to say, Jesus is using very stern language to say that the person who does not carry out the kingdom requirements, which have become his through incorporation into Jesus, shall not escape the final judgment.

06:17.121 --> 06:23.667 [TB]: Or, to put it another way, little children, let us not love in word or talk,

06:24.445 --> 06:26.705 [TB]: but indeed and in truth, 1 John 3, 18.

06:26.965 --> 06:35.907 [TB]: And speaking of truth, truth at all costs is not produced by the oldest continually operating Christian radio station in the world.

06:36.787 --> 06:37.267 [TB]: No, it's not.

06:37.667 --> 06:43.648 [TB]: It's produced by me, Reverend Bramwell, with the support of the Winged Lion Saints here at St.

06:43.688 --> 06:51.830 [TB]: Mark Lutheran Church in Ferndale, who, God bless them, recognize the soul-serving value of this online teaching.

06:52.711 --> 07:02.899 [TB]: We can use your help, dear friends, to make the show a success and to bring it to a new era of idolatry-free evangelism all across the world.

07:03.439 --> 07:04.600 [TB]: Yeah, I know, big goal, right?

07:05.401 --> 07:07.002 [TB]: But we're on the internet, for crying out loud.

07:07.042 --> 07:07.422 [TB]: Come on.

07:08.103 --> 07:09.884 [TB]: We talk to the world every single day.

07:10.044 --> 07:13.127 [TB]: It's what a wonderfully generous listener from my last podcast did.

07:13.187 --> 07:17.670 [TB]: He wishes to remain anonymous, so I won't tell you his name, but when he heard I left KFUO,

07:19.071 --> 07:25.299 [TB]: He went to my website and he donated $500 to replace the audio mixer that I need to send back to the station.

07:26.260 --> 07:32.367 [TB]: If you would like to support the podcast and all my online and in-person teaching, you can do so in a number of ways.

07:32.488 --> 07:35.211 [TB]: You can buy your books from

07:36.388 --> 07:40.229 [TB]: after selecting Butterfat Books as the local bookstore that you want to support.

07:40.269 --> 07:47.832 [TB]: Butterfat Books is the Bramwell family bookstore that my wife runs and is the only non-woke bookstore in Humboldt County.

07:48.012 --> 07:56.995 [TB]: When you buy my books that way, not only are you supporting the author of the books, but your support goes even further because it supports the bookstore.

07:57.035 --> 08:00.196 [TB]: So may I suggest that you order Come In We're Closed and

08:00.856 --> 08:03.980 [TB]: have something to hand to your neighbors about closed communion and why it's faithful.

08:04.620 --> 08:10.207 [TB]: If, hypothetically speaking, you're in need of a shirt this month and not a book, which I know it's crazy talk.

08:10.227 --> 08:12.470 [TB]: Who's ever in need of clothing more than they're in need of books?

08:12.770 --> 08:13.771 [TB]: But let's just say you are.

08:14.432 --> 08:16.374 [TB]: Well, then you can order from our merch store.

08:16.955 --> 08:18.957 [TB]: And that's also linked to the YouTube channel.

08:19.037 --> 08:20.639 [TB]: So you can find it all right here on the video.

08:21.520 --> 08:32.877 [TB]: I like the brown tea with the podcast cover art to acknowledge the launch of the new podcast, but the Alexandros Graffito design with the Unashamed of the Gospel text under it is also great.

08:33.477 --> 08:36.662 [TB]: And if you can stomach it, there's another design over there too.

08:38.005 --> 08:44.468 [TB]: It's not the prettiest, but check out the store and any of your purchases over there will support this work right here.

08:44.988 --> 08:46.949 [TB]: You can also become a member of my YouTube channel.

08:47.729 --> 08:48.649 [TB]: We have three levels.

08:48.929 --> 08:51.410 [TB]: We've launched the membership part of this.

08:51.710 --> 08:58.013 [TB]: We have three levels, the podcast partner, the unashamed underwriter and the podcast producer for 99 cents, 4.99 and 9.99 respectively.

09:01.474 --> 09:27.507 [TB]: Each comes with what YouTube calls perks, but I've set them up so that you can actually be an active part in producing this show, from guiding the show and its content with member-exclusive polls that will help me track the trajectory of where we want to go with the show, to live streams where we'll be able to review each month's shows, and you can help me keep my finger on the pulse of the culture and make sure I don't miss events that are happening.

09:27.947 --> 09:34.829 [TB]: that are influencing our neighbors without them being spoken to by a pastor and brought back to God's word.

09:35.109 --> 09:44.832 [TB]: So cool little added feature to the YouTube membership is that every member gets a custom badge that will appear next to your name to show you're a member of the channel.

09:45.752 --> 09:47.254 [TB]: and how long you've been a member.

09:47.294 --> 09:53.681 [TB]: The new member badge is a black cross which develops into Luther's rose with each membership milestone.

09:53.742 --> 09:58.387 [TB]: Pretty fun little way to kind of acknowledge your presence on the channel.

09:59.668 --> 10:03.513 [TB]: I mean, come on, you gotta admit that's pretty cool to see Luther's rose develop next to your name.

10:03.533 --> 10:04.234 [TB]: That's pretty rad.

10:04.898 --> 10:12.862 [TB]: It would be great to have you guys help us join the process of making this new podcast a valuable resource for our neighbors.

10:13.462 --> 10:18.525 [TB]: All these methods of support are set up to give you something in return for your support.

10:18.805 --> 10:21.506 [TB]: The worker is worth his wages after all, is he not?

10:22.107 --> 10:25.788 [TB]: And all the links for these support methods are in the description below.

10:25.808 --> 10:28.770 [TB]: Okay, so let's get back to the show.

10:30.365 --> 10:36.917 [TB]: If you were a longtime listener of my last show, you know I taught that evangelism has become one of

10:38.052 --> 10:40.394 [TB]: the American church's deceptive idols.

10:41.274 --> 10:52.722 [TB]: Eric Metaxas, he's right when he says the idol of evangelism is the quote, unbiblical idea that the only real role the church has is evangelism.

10:53.323 --> 11:02.209 [TB]: So we must never say anything that might in any way detract from our pursuing this single goal.

11:03.800 --> 11:12.824 [TB]: And this is why we now live in a world where someone like Naomi underscore OB could write the following comment on my YouTube channel.

11:13.604 --> 11:22.348 [TB]: She says, until listening to Chris Roseborough fighting for the faith and finding out he was a Lutheran, I thought all Lutheran churches were lost.

11:23.166 --> 11:31.028 [TB]: The historic and beautiful Lutheran church that my mom grew up in now has a lesbian pastor and had been lost decades before that.

11:31.388 --> 11:35.390 [TB]: In Massachusetts, I wonder if any still believe in the Bible or preach the gospel.

11:36.010 --> 11:39.411 [TB]: Same with just about every mainline church I've researched within an hour's drive.

11:40.291 --> 11:42.812 [TB]: It's par for the course in this part of the country.

11:43.572 --> 11:46.093 [TB]: So I thought those denominations were all apostate.

11:47.079 --> 11:54.462 [TB]: When I learned there were still Bible-believing churches in the Lutheran Church and other mainlines, it gave me more hope.

11:55.382 --> 11:58.183 [TB]: God has a plan, and I put all my trust in Him.

11:58.203 --> 12:06.726 [TB]: I'm grateful for voices such as yours, and Pastor Roseborough, et cetera, who are fighting for faith and defending the cross without apology.

12:07.467 --> 12:13.169 [TB]: Excellent episode, and she's writing on the last one of Cross Defense, and I look forward to future content.

12:13.809 --> 12:16.510 [TB]: Your faithfulness will be rewarded.

12:17.751 --> 12:17.951 [TB]: Wow.

12:18.291 --> 12:20.232 [TB]: Well, a couple things, first of all.

12:21.352 --> 12:21.692 [TB]: Thank you.

12:22.012 --> 12:23.893 [TB]: Thank you, Naomi, very much for those kind words.

12:23.933 --> 12:28.034 [TB]: Your words are encouraging, and I appreciate them greatly, so thank you, sister.

12:28.374 --> 12:39.257 [TB]: Second, as soon as we're done with today's show, everybody should drop what you're doing and go down to the description and click the link for Pastor Roseborough's excellent show, Fighting for the Faith.

12:39.437 --> 12:43.798 [TB]: Absolutely binge watch that thing till you can't take it anymore.

12:44.318 --> 12:48.140 [TB]: He used to tell his listeners to put on their bunny slippers and grab their popcorn.

12:48.180 --> 12:49.380 [TB]: No, no, that's not far enough.

12:50.081 --> 12:55.783 [TB]: Run down to Walmart and buy a box of adult diapers and just binge watch Fighting for the Faith to no end.

12:56.303 --> 12:56.904 [TB]: Don't stop.

12:57.704 --> 12:58.964 [TB]: Not even go to the bathroom, guys.

12:59.265 --> 13:01.686 [TB]: Pull a Jack Kerouac and dive right in.

13:02.026 --> 13:03.827 [TB]: I know, I know, you think that's disgusting, and it is.

13:04.647 --> 13:08.989 [TB]: But your soul will be filled like the moisture-absorbing pad in your pants.

13:09.986 --> 13:14.016 [TB]: Or, well, you could just give up going to the bathroom for the rest of Lent.

13:14.176 --> 13:14.938 [TB]: I guess that's an option.

13:15.840 --> 13:17.525 [TB]: Or just, I guess, take your phone with you.

13:18.919 --> 13:19.719 [TB]: That makes more sense.

13:20.219 --> 13:21.199 [TB]: Watch Fighting for the Faith.

13:21.379 --> 13:21.980 [TB]: It's great.

13:22.040 --> 13:22.580 [TB]: That's the point.

13:22.740 --> 13:24.160 [TB]: Back to our topic.

13:25.000 --> 13:43.684 [TB]: It's the ideal turned idol of evangelism trapped by a misunderstanding that evangelism is always and only to be nice and sweet and sheepish that has in large part hidden the light of Christ that we should be letting shine.

13:44.624 --> 13:45.244 [TB]: It's why.

13:46.158 --> 14:02.125 [TB]: The same kids that are all gung-ho, never to hide their light under a bushel, are the same kids, only a few years later, who've learned to keep their Christian identity hidden deep within, as if such a thing can happen.

14:03.085 --> 14:15.070 [TB]: Swimming with the dead fish of the culture, so as not to be outed by their friends as religious, or a try-hard, or goody-two-shoes, who wants to live as Jesus would have him live.

14:16.049 --> 14:24.031 [TB]: but instead lives like the world in the darkness of the world, going along with our depraved culture.

14:25.232 --> 14:25.952 [TB]: How's the line go?

14:26.972 --> 14:29.013 [TB]: Don't let Satan blow it out.

14:29.633 --> 14:31.073 [TB]: I'm gonna let it shine.

14:31.193 --> 14:33.054 [TB]: Right idea, wrong words.

14:33.334 --> 14:36.695 [TB]: It's not Satan we ought to be worried about blowing out our light.

14:37.415 --> 14:40.076 [TB]: Jesus said he would do that.

14:40.696 --> 14:43.877 [TB]: He actually said he would take away our lampstand so we wouldn't be able to hold the light.

14:44.619 --> 14:47.461 [TB]: Take a look with me at Revelation chapter one.

14:47.481 --> 14:49.782 [TB]: We're going to start at verse 17.

14:49.822 --> 14:50.942 [TB]: Let's go there for a second.

14:51.443 --> 15:02.068 [TB]: When I saw him, Jesus, this is John writing, I fell at his feet as though dead, but he laid his right hand on me saying, fear not.

15:03.069 --> 15:08.012 [TB]: I am the first and the last and the living one, I died.

15:08.951 --> 15:14.874 [TB]: And behold, I'm alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and Hades.

15:15.754 --> 15:22.998 [TB]: Write therefore the things that you've seen, those that are, and those that are to take place after this.

15:24.498 --> 15:31.702 [TB]: As for the mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand, and the seven golden lampstands,

15:33.211 --> 15:41.953 [TB]: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

15:41.993 --> 16:01.778 [TB]: To the angel of the church in Ephesus write, The words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands, I know your works, your toil, and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear

16:02.639 --> 16:12.931 [TB]: with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false."

16:14.273 --> 16:15.054 [TB]: Friends, real quick.

16:15.915 --> 16:19.579 [TB]: Do you think these words describe the American church today?

16:20.200 --> 16:21.822 [TB]: Do you think Jesus,

16:22.964 --> 16:28.626 [TB]: would describe us in the Western world as not being able to bear with those who are evil.

16:29.266 --> 16:35.348 [TB]: Do you think he sees us as testing those who call themselves apostles and are not?

16:36.689 --> 16:40.130 [TB]: Man, I know it's not pleasant to ever be the bearer of bad news.

16:41.030 --> 16:46.532 [TB]: I don't like being the bearer of bad news, but the answer to those questions is no, no.

16:47.372 --> 16:49.973 [TB]: We desperately need to repent.

16:51.154 --> 16:51.674 [TB]: We need.

16:52.236 --> 17:03.410 [TB]: to own our unfaithfulness, hit our knees, and cry out to the Lord, I believe, help my unbelief.

17:05.833 --> 17:07.135 [TB]: But that's not us today, is it?

17:07.535 --> 17:09.117 [TB]: Eric Lentz, 7986, if you're out there.

17:10.953 --> 17:13.354 [TB]: You commented on the last show of Cross Defense as well.

17:14.015 --> 17:27.941 [TB]: This friend is why faithful pastors don't treat the law and the gospel as if they are some sort of formula that has to be applied with equal proportion all the time, every time a pastor opens his mouth.

17:28.782 --> 17:30.683 [TB]: You quipped on that episode.

17:31.496 --> 17:33.897 [TB]: Thank you for two minutes of gospel.

17:34.617 --> 17:36.438 [TB]: I get the law needs to be preached in the fullest.

17:37.098 --> 17:41.419 [TB]: I just think God's word of gospel needs more than a passing word at the end.

17:41.899 --> 17:42.559 [TB]: Okay, fair enough.

17:43.300 --> 17:43.780 [TB]: I get that.

17:44.920 --> 17:46.441 [TB]: That's where you're at right now.

17:47.361 --> 17:50.662 [TB]: But how about where there is no repentance?

17:51.702 --> 17:55.823 [TB]: Are we to deliver the gospel to the unrepentant?

17:56.664 --> 18:00.385 [TB]: Are we to say, peace, peace, where there is no peace?

18:01.601 --> 18:16.509 [TB]: And I'm not doing that just to make LCMS Lutherans feel better about an artificial law gospel recipe that's never been what we mean by rightly dividing the law and the gospel.

18:17.309 --> 18:17.769 [TB]: Not doing it.

18:18.910 --> 18:21.571 [TB]: We are to rightly divide the law and the gospel.

18:22.372 --> 18:22.932 [TB]: To what end?

18:24.213 --> 18:26.174 [TB]: Just to reduce everything to the gospel?

18:27.671 --> 18:34.075 [TB]: Is there, friend, ever a time to deliver the law so that it can actually pierce the hearts of our hearers?

18:35.675 --> 18:51.804 [TB]: Or are we to always pull our punch, the punch of the law, and just before it goes to work at convicting sinful hearts, blindside them with sweet nothings in the name of Jesus?

18:52.104 --> 18:56.707 [TB]: Would you have preferred I did that for 58 minutes and then just sort of

18:57.833 --> 18:58.273 [TB]: Signed off.

18:59.334 --> 19:01.395 [TB]: See, this is what the church has done.

19:02.315 --> 19:03.376 [TB]: And look at where we're at.

19:04.296 --> 19:05.517 [TB]: Seriously, take a look at where we're at.

19:05.797 --> 19:09.139 [TB]: Canada is killing people in their maid program.

19:10.259 --> 19:13.241 [TB]: We have children being murdered by the millions.

19:14.588 --> 19:29.673 [TB]: this country in our modern era of speaking the gospel and love and not wanting to be hard as the rise of the boomer generation came up and we've changed our definitions to match a very worldly demographic that we now are part of too.

19:30.893 --> 19:37.076 [TB]: We have children, and adults, but children who are chopping off their body parts or playing God.

19:37.096 --> 19:38.236 [TB]: We are playing God.

19:39.346 --> 19:41.767 [TB]: with his creation, the climate crisis too.

19:42.127 --> 19:47.790 [TB]: We are denying God and screaming that everything's going to come undone unless we usher in green new deals and things.

19:48.810 --> 19:51.551 [TB]: We are, this is just scratching the surface on top of my head.

19:52.512 --> 19:57.213 [TB]: We're in desperate need of the law, friend, to hear the law.

19:57.814 --> 20:07.938 [TB]: And I say, we, not just as an American or Western culture, but as the church within that culture, because we haven't been doing it appropriately.

20:09.255 --> 20:19.824 [TB]: If we had been doing it appropriately, the LCMS, but also the church at large, wouldn't be confused by what love is.

20:20.665 --> 20:25.849 [TB]: You wouldn't see mainline churches like Naomi talked about with lesbian pastrixes.

20:26.950 --> 20:29.352 [TB]: No, we got to own that.

20:29.652 --> 20:35.878 [TB]: Back to Revelation and Jesus, not the devil, being the one who will put out the light.

20:37.779 --> 20:44.825 [TB]: We read in Revelation 2.3, I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my namesake.

20:46.066 --> 20:54.373 [TB]: And you haven't grown weary, but the Lord says, I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love that you had at first.

20:54.893 --> 20:55.574 [TB]: What is that love?

20:55.614 --> 20:56.615 [TB]: What is that love guys?

20:57.536 --> 21:01.279 [TB]: The kind that cares more about one's neighbor than oneself.

21:01.359 --> 21:02.580 [TB]: That's what that love is.

21:02.980 --> 21:05.963 [TB]: The one that's willing to suffer for speaking truth.

21:07.771 --> 21:11.254 [TB]: Why are we not to bear with evil?

21:12.735 --> 21:19.199 [TB]: Why does patient endurance in the face of evil not mean that we tolerate it, but that we suffer it?

21:22.462 --> 21:26.064 [TB]: Why are we to test the apostles and endure patiently?

21:27.205 --> 21:28.286 [TB]: Not for our own sake.

21:28.386 --> 21:29.107 [TB]: No, no.

21:30.868 --> 21:32.129 [TB]: But out of love for others.

21:33.632 --> 21:35.593 [TB]: to be the light to the world.

21:36.053 --> 21:58.201 [TB]: So if they see clearly who Jesus is, so they know where Jesus is, that they know he is the blessed one who is the subject of the Beatitudes alive in his people through the indwelling of his spirit, that it's not just lip service, but that Christians actually have something of substance to present to the world.

21:58.401 --> 22:02.443 [TB]: And it's seen and knowable by the way they behave.

22:04.397 --> 22:11.903 [TB]: Verse five, remember therefore from where you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first.

22:12.623 --> 22:20.749 [TB]: If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place unless you repent.

22:22.491 --> 22:28.015 [TB]: Yet this you have, you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

22:29.116 --> 22:32.578 [TB]: He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says

22:33.442 --> 22:41.365 [TB]: to the churches, to the one who conquers, I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.

22:42.225 --> 22:46.367 [TB]: Who cares about the devil blowing out our light?

22:46.447 --> 22:48.588 [TB]: No, no, it's not the devil you have to be worried about.

22:48.628 --> 22:55.151 [TB]: It's Jesus who says he will take away our lampstand so that we cannot bear him up.

22:55.911 --> 22:57.351 [TB]: He is the light after all.

22:58.012 --> 22:58.432 [TB]: Christian.

22:59.778 --> 23:01.778 [TB]: What shows us our need for repentance?

23:02.519 --> 23:04.839 [TB]: Is it the gospel or is it the law?

23:06.039 --> 23:08.480 [TB]: Which one shows you your sin?

23:08.800 --> 23:10.940 [TB]: Yeah, buddy, the law.

23:11.920 --> 23:16.121 [TB]: And as a society, we need a heavy dose of the law.

23:17.282 --> 23:18.662 [TB]: As a church, we do too.

23:19.222 --> 23:28.584 [TB]: As the Lutheran church that isn't shy to toot our own horn regarding our past faithfulness, the faithfulness of the generations before,

23:29.551 --> 23:37.613 [TB]: We need to repent and live like that generation before, live like our forefathers, lest we lose our lampstand.

23:39.453 --> 23:42.894 [TB]: We're not actually discerning our situation.

23:43.874 --> 23:54.056 [TB]: And so I fear we're not rightly dividing the law and the gospel, which actually reminds me of what Reverend Larry Bean brought up on February 13th.

23:54.076 --> 23:54.756 [TB]: Did you guys see this?

23:55.096 --> 23:57.797 [TB]: It's published on Godistains, the Journal of Lutheran Liturgy.

23:58.037 --> 23:59.017 [TB]: It's a distressing piece.

24:00.213 --> 24:02.914 [TB]: I'm just going to jump to the major bullet points near the end.

24:02.934 --> 24:05.976 [TB]: The link to the full article, of course, is in the show description.

24:06.616 --> 24:14.420 [TB]: Pastor Bean points out that over the last couple of years, we've seen an LCMS website boasting of the church having a woman pastor.

24:14.700 --> 24:17.341 [TB]: Yeah, I actually came across this not too long ago.

24:17.741 --> 24:20.503 [TB]: My daughter brought me this website.

24:22.064 --> 24:23.805 [TB]: She was just this last month, she was looking at this.

24:24.005 --> 24:27.728 [TB]: She was looking for a faithful church near the colleges that she's applying to.

24:27.768 --> 24:34.213 [TB]: So she's been making this list and she was going to these churches looking for where there would be a faithful LCMS church to attend.

24:34.233 --> 24:37.475 [TB]: And she comes and she says, dad, why is this lady called a pastor?

24:38.436 --> 24:40.978 [TB]: I thought, well, she's got to be on a wrong website.

24:41.378 --> 24:43.340 [TB]: She's got to be on an ELCA site or something.

24:43.700 --> 24:44.541 [TB]: Nope.

24:44.561 --> 24:45.221 [TB]: LCMS church.

24:46.743 --> 24:47.183 [TB]: But the law.

24:48.752 --> 24:49.653 [TB]: It's unloving, right?

24:50.253 --> 24:51.213 [TB]: We don't want to speak the law.

24:51.233 --> 24:52.854 [TB]: We've got to make sure we give Jesus.

24:54.235 --> 24:55.216 [TB]: Reverend Bean continues.

24:55.656 --> 25:06.442 [TB]: An LCMS deaconess, also, we've seen this, with decades of experience, vested preaching, absolving, conducting the liturgy, and officiating over a confirmation.

25:07.063 --> 25:11.866 [TB]: Vested women officiating over parts of the liturgy and preaching to children in the divine service in the LCMS.

25:12.406 --> 25:15.088 [TB]: Endorsement of same-sex marriage.

25:15.984 --> 25:20.909 [TB]: by rostered pastors and rostered lay church workers in the LCMS.

25:22.131 --> 25:36.166 [TB]: The use of non-Lutheran preachers in LCMS worship services, a Lady Methodist pastor participating in an LCMS pastors installation, a former DP laying hands on his daughter in an ELCA ordination,

25:37.170 --> 25:37.730 [TB]: etc.

25:38.010 --> 25:46.815 [TB]: In none of these situations, Pastor Bean says, was any member of synod, pastor, rostered non-pastor, or congregation suspended or removed.

25:47.536 --> 25:51.978 [TB]: At most, sorry was said, and it was all swept under the rug.

25:52.959 --> 25:59.382 [TB]: There was no public correction, apology, or announcement that such things in the future would not be tolerated.

25:59.982 --> 26:04.525 [TB]: No presidents took responsibility and said, the buck stops here.

26:04.965 --> 26:06.686 [TB]: This is my responsibility.

26:08.220 --> 26:09.001 [TB]: Take a look at that article.

26:09.521 --> 26:10.783 [TB]: Very telling stuff.

26:11.744 --> 26:28.260 [TB]: Speaking firsthand, the only time I get a response from my DP about the unionism of the Lutheran Church of Arcata, which is an LCMS church still currently pastored by an ELCA pastor and has been an ELCA-LCMS unionistic hybrid for 40 years.

26:30.213 --> 26:36.216 [TB]: whose current pastor has publicly, in the newspaper, maligned me, and by extension, St.

26:36.236 --> 26:51.645 [TB]: Mark Lutheran Church in Ferndale, the only time I get a response is when I send an email to the synod's president, the office of the president, and then the sorry comes, but seemingly only by compulsion, because someone leaned on him.

26:52.866 --> 26:53.646 [TB]: Is that faithful?

26:55.267 --> 26:57.369 [TB]: I'm thankful for brother pastors like Larry Bean.

26:58.186 --> 27:02.269 [TB]: who have integrity and aren't afraid to speak the truth.

27:03.249 --> 27:04.870 [TB]: If you're watching, thanks brother.

27:05.050 --> 27:07.932 [TB]: I really appreciate that you're willing to do this publicly.

27:09.693 --> 27:11.835 [TB]: But yeah, we mustn't forget the gospel, right?

27:12.875 --> 27:20.480 [TB]: It's not giving the gospel a passing word to speak the law in a situation when it's the word of God that's needed.

27:20.500 --> 27:23.202 [TB]: The proper distinction between law and gospel,

27:24.625 --> 27:27.867 [TB]: is to know when to deliver the law and when to deliver the gospel.

27:28.147 --> 27:37.432 [TB]: Well, we always boil everything back down to the gospel, gospel reductionism, because we don't want to be perceived in the court of public opinion as meany heads.

27:38.173 --> 27:38.613 [TB]: That's it.

27:39.033 --> 27:39.954 [TB]: That's the reality.

27:40.334 --> 27:42.936 [TB]: Meanwhile, children are chopping off genitals.

27:43.896 --> 27:44.897 [TB]: Babies are being aborted.

27:46.318 --> 27:47.558 [TB]: Feminism's on the rise.

27:48.559 --> 27:50.300 [TB]: Racism's all the rage.

27:51.442 --> 27:53.923 [TB]: People are being euthanized in Canada.

27:53.983 --> 27:54.883 [TB]: The list goes on.

27:57.084 --> 28:05.028 [TB]: See, all this reveals the sneaking temptation to treat the law like it's a bad thing, huh?

28:06.008 --> 28:06.588 [TB]: But it's not.

28:08.189 --> 28:09.069 [TB]: It's not a bad thing.

28:09.109 --> 28:11.691 [TB]: It's good and holy and has its place.

28:14.112 --> 28:18.333 [TB]: That reminds me, I'm glad we came back to this because Eric Lentz, 79, 86,

28:20.356 --> 28:31.603 [TB]: He followed up on YouTube with another comment after I tried to explain to him that a podcast isn't the same as a sermon with a different audience and all that kind of stuff.

28:33.244 --> 28:34.605 [TB]: He came back and here's what he said.

28:35.166 --> 28:42.811 [TB]: He says, my issue is with an almost hour long beat down with a barely two minute gospel nugget.

28:43.371 --> 28:44.412 [TB]: Not everyone needed this.

28:45.493 --> 28:48.915 [TB]: Yes, we have become complacent and weak today, but Christ still is love.

28:50.017 --> 28:52.938 [TB]: love with both law and gospel, Christ's peace.

28:55.880 --> 28:59.722 [TB]: This is all, remember, in reference to my last episode of Cross Defense.

28:59.882 --> 29:06.085 [TB]: So let me ask you, brother, why do you think the show has to always be for everyone?

29:07.165 --> 29:15.369 [TB]: The very nature of broadcasting means I will always say something that isn't for every member of the audience.

29:16.892 --> 29:17.413 [TB]: I don't know.

29:17.913 --> 29:19.936 [TB]: This is the nature of radio and podcasting.

29:20.036 --> 29:21.397 [TB]: I don't know who I'm talking to.

29:22.378 --> 29:23.519 [TB]: That's the nature of the beast.

29:24.601 --> 29:29.426 [TB]: None of the content is going to always apply equally to everyone.

29:30.788 --> 29:31.929 [TB]: Why would you think it does?

29:32.870 --> 29:33.831 [TB]: That's absurd.

29:35.401 --> 29:48.888 [TB]: When I preach a sermon, I'm preaching to my congregation, people I know, and I can compose a sermon that will speak to everyone in the room in a way that is different from talking into a microphone to a random audience of who knows who.

29:49.448 --> 30:00.474 [TB]: It will sound differently than an apologetics podcast that takes up cultural issues that are for the most part matters where the law is the medicine that needs to be applied.

30:01.954 --> 30:07.079 [TB]: So am I always only to speak equal portions of law and gospel?

30:07.699 --> 30:12.043 [TB]: No, not in a sermon and definitely not on a podcast.

30:12.704 --> 30:20.070 [TB]: In fact, let's actually consider what I, as the host of the show, do know about my audience.

30:20.110 --> 30:22.612 [TB]: There are some, some constants that I do know.

30:23.934 --> 30:26.136 [TB]: Primarily my audience is American.

30:26.860 --> 30:27.901 [TB]: and from the Western world.

30:27.981 --> 30:28.181 [TB]: Yeah.

30:28.461 --> 30:30.302 [TB]: Canada, Australia, Ireland, et cetera.

30:30.903 --> 30:31.123 [TB]: Okay.

30:31.143 --> 30:33.824 [TB]: So what do we know about Europe and Canada?

30:34.545 --> 30:40.969 [TB]: Well, for one thing, they're further down the godlessness path than we are here in America.

30:40.989 --> 30:42.550 [TB]: At least that's what we are led to believe.

30:42.630 --> 30:49.274 [TB]: I don't live in these other parts of the world, so I don't know for sure, but I do know that in Canada, the maid program is state-sponsored murder.

30:50.495 --> 30:51.015 [TB]: As an example.

30:52.036 --> 30:55.538 [TB]: Seems like a time to give the people the gospel.

30:55.578 --> 30:55.758 [TB]: Yeah.

30:56.926 --> 30:57.126 [TB]: No.

30:59.247 --> 31:06.810 [TB]: Now that I know my primary audience is smack dab in the middle of a godless culture, America is also a godless culture, right?

31:06.870 --> 31:08.410 [TB]: Only slightly behind Canada and Europe.

31:09.911 --> 31:23.176 [TB]: And on a show like mine on cross-defense and now truth at all costs, where we take up cultural topics from within that godless culture in order to equip the Christian mind

31:24.554 --> 31:33.116 [TB]: What brother do you think is going to be the most appropriate word for the widest swath of my audience?

31:34.017 --> 31:36.037 [TB]: The law or the gospel?

31:36.937 --> 31:43.279 [TB]: I mean, based on what I actually do concretely know about my audience.

31:44.719 --> 31:46.140 [TB]: Yeah, the law.

31:46.460 --> 31:49.621 [TB]: And yes, even for the Christians in the godless culture.

31:50.021 --> 31:50.261 [TB]: Why?

31:51.381 --> 31:53.842 [TB]: Because the Western world was built by Christianity.

31:55.120 --> 32:00.901 [TB]: If a Christian culture looks like ours does now, why is that?

32:02.481 --> 32:13.423 [TB]: Well, because if we're being honest in a very large part, it's because we, the church, the Christians stopped treating God's law as good and holy to be the curb and the guide and the mirror that it is.

32:13.703 --> 32:16.464 [TB]: And we started sprinkling Jesus on every other word.

32:16.704 --> 32:21.585 [TB]: So as not to come across as meany heads, but to have equal proportion of law and gospel in everything we speak.

32:22.745 --> 32:23.125 [TB]: Now you said.

32:24.005 --> 32:29.068 [TB]: Then I use the law to deliver an hour-long beatdown.

32:31.669 --> 32:32.930 [TB]: Your words betray you, my friend.

32:33.070 --> 32:34.891 [TB]: Beatdowns are what bullies do.

32:35.732 --> 32:36.552 [TB]: God's not a bully.

32:37.413 --> 32:51.221 [TB]: His preachers who speak the law sternly to a godless people and to the Christians who live among them, they're not getting a beatdown, giving a beatdown to anyone.

32:52.021 --> 32:52.241 [TB]: No.

32:52.742 --> 32:53.362 [TB]: What are they doing?

32:54.352 --> 32:54.892 [TB]: Loving them.

32:56.454 --> 32:59.056 [TB]: When I speak the law, it's love.

32:59.076 --> 33:02.939 [TB]: To which you say, yeah, but Christ is still love.

33:03.920 --> 33:05.241 [TB]: Love with both law and gospel.

33:05.541 --> 33:06.642 [TB]: Indeed, I agree with that.

33:07.683 --> 33:12.607 [TB]: My point is that we're only loving with the gospel, and so the law is not effective, and so now we have a mess.

33:14.329 --> 33:22.996 [TB]: And then also, let me ask this, why did then my expression of the law's love on a radio show that you can tune into or not tune into,

33:24.036 --> 33:26.958 [TB]: That is, sometimes for you, perhaps not always for you.

33:27.458 --> 33:30.179 [TB]: Why did it cause you to kick against the goads?

33:31.500 --> 33:36.062 [TB]: Why take the time to poo-poo the love of the law when you hear it happening?

33:36.402 --> 33:45.747 [TB]: Why try to encourage me, a pastor in the church, not to prepare my hearers for the love of the gospel, so they will be wise and not foolish virgins?

33:46.488 --> 33:51.290 [TB]: So they don't hear on the last day, depart from me for I did not know you.

33:51.750 --> 33:52.851 [TB]: Why would you want

33:54.025 --> 33:55.106 [TB]: To silence that.

33:55.846 --> 34:04.212 [TB]: Why would you want to criticize that or reproach that when we look around and see our society as it is?

34:06.914 --> 34:07.854 [TB]: I find that interesting.

34:09.355 --> 34:13.378 [TB]: And brother, Eric Lentz, 7986, this isn't just you.

34:13.618 --> 34:14.459 [TB]: It's not just you, friend.

34:14.519 --> 34:14.899 [TB]: I know that.

34:15.800 --> 34:23.825 [TB]: This is an institutional plague perpetuated by those who don't want to actually suffer for Christ.

34:26.412 --> 34:29.033 [TB]: despite putting on airs, even tricking themselves.

34:29.293 --> 34:31.573 [TB]: We all talk like that, but we are soft American people.

34:32.894 --> 34:53.399 [TB]: And it stands to reason, being gracious with an Eighth Commandment perspective toward our brothers in the ministry, it stands to reason that even though when we speak strongly in our seminary classrooms and in our synodical offices and district offices and where all the bureaucrats are and where all the influences are, they're shaping pastors.

34:54.292 --> 35:01.334 [TB]: It stands to reason that even though we talk tough and we talk about the law and we talk about being willing to suffer, it's going to take some training.

35:01.354 --> 35:04.735 [TB]: It's going to take this kind of friction to get us there.

35:04.775 --> 35:06.436 [TB]: We're not all ready for it.

35:07.056 --> 35:15.298 [TB]: I wasn't either until about a hundred protesters showed up at my church one day and I had to face that dragon and it didn't just go away.

35:16.939 --> 35:21.080 [TB]: I had to come to terms and it's an ongoing process.

35:22.281 --> 35:25.182 [TB]: with prayerful consideration of what is the right thing to say.

35:27.003 --> 35:38.307 [TB]: And more often than not, what I've concluded is truth at all costs, even if it sounds to our American ear, unloving.

35:39.187 --> 35:44.669 [TB]: So we say we're okay with loving with the law, you did too, but don't forget about the gospel.

35:45.010 --> 35:48.671 [TB]: I don't think we have to worry about forgetting about the gospel in the Missouri Synod.

35:50.270 --> 35:58.615 [TB]: No, what we are wrestling with right now, as Pastor Bean's post demonstrates, is not properly loving with the law.

35:59.596 --> 36:08.541 [TB]: We've created a culture where it's just lip service to talk about the law because nobody ever uses the love of the law.

36:08.741 --> 36:10.863 [TB]: When a guy does in a good and right way.

36:12.059 --> 36:15.761 [TB]: Because the law stings and it's not soothing to hear.

36:16.382 --> 36:20.264 [TB]: It's the scalpel of the surgeon, not the ointment of the nurse.

36:21.305 --> 36:22.586 [TB]: Well, then we hear comments like yours.

36:23.226 --> 36:26.128 [TB]: And I know it's not you, man.

36:26.548 --> 36:27.229 [TB]: I know it's not you.

36:29.150 --> 36:32.072 [TB]: It's, it's, it's the culture of the church.

36:32.152 --> 36:39.797 [TB]: And as Naomi pointed out of all mainline churches and yeah, even non-mainline churches, everybody's going woke.

36:42.432 --> 36:43.352 [TB]: It's not just the LCMS.

36:44.533 --> 36:47.693 [TB]: As Naomi's story pointed out, it's all across the board.

36:48.694 --> 36:52.555 [TB]: The church has stopped speaking both the law and the gospel.

36:54.215 --> 36:55.295 [TB]: And look at our world.

36:58.216 --> 36:58.476 [TB]: All right.

36:58.536 --> 37:00.797 [TB]: So here's a little look, speaking to that.

37:01.823 --> 37:04.625 [TB]: of how the problem is not just among the LCMS.

37:05.025 --> 37:09.768 [TB]: I talked about Eric Metaxas earlier in the show, and I've mentioned him on Cross Defense.

37:10.468 --> 37:15.831 [TB]: And if you're looking for a book to read about the dangers of a weak church, I do highly recommend The Letter to the American Church.

37:15.851 --> 37:19.853 [TB]: There's some problems with his portrayal of Luther, I think, and Bonhoeffer and things like this.

37:19.893 --> 37:23.716 [TB]: But the gist of it and the point of it is spot on, I believe.

37:24.556 --> 37:29.499 [TB]: You can use the Butterfat Books links, as I mentioned also, below to get that copy.

37:29.519 --> 37:31.120 [TB]: I'll put a link specifically to the book for you.

37:34.042 --> 37:36.323 [TB]: but as if to rub salt in our wounds.

37:38.624 --> 37:40.865 [TB]: There's now a documentary based on the book.

37:42.626 --> 37:43.266 [TB]: This should be us.

37:43.767 --> 37:44.627 [TB]: This should be the Lutherans.

37:46.088 --> 37:49.429 [TB]: It should be the faithful confessional Lutheran church.

37:50.670 --> 37:53.371 [TB]: And so let it be a reproach, a reprimand.

37:53.691 --> 37:54.492 [TB]: Let it be discipline.

37:55.432 --> 37:55.972 [TB]: Here's the trailer.

38:00.394 --> 38:01.195 [EM]: I'm convinced

38:02.850 --> 38:09.854 [EM]: that the American church has arrived at a significant moment of truth.

38:11.635 --> 38:18.379 [EM]: We are only 75, 80 years removed from three separate regimes that killed 60 to 70 million people intentionally.

38:20.020 --> 38:30.767 [EM]: The parallels with where the American church is now to where the German church stood in the face of the Nazi regime are unavoidable and grim.

38:39.076 --> 38:43.819 [EM]: Churches need to understand really what Marxism is, which is to destroy the church, to destroy the word of God.

38:43.959 --> 38:49.762 [EM]: So if you capture the seminaries, you capture the pastors, you capture the laity, you capture the soul of the world.

38:51.763 --> 38:57.926 [EM]: Christianity is not just about saying Jesus loves you and then going to heaven one day, but that there's a war that's raging.

39:01.068 --> 39:04.350 [EM]: The church is weakening, which is why Marxism is ascendant in America today.

39:08.629 --> 39:13.014 [EM]: This is the hour of the American church.

39:13.034 --> 39:13.594 [EM]: Yep.

39:16.017 --> 39:18.279 [TB]: I'm gonna be watching, be tuning into that.

39:18.299 --> 39:18.820 [TB]: I liked the book.

39:18.840 --> 39:19.821 [TB]: I'm sure I'm going to like that.

39:19.881 --> 39:20.482 [TB]: Charlie Kirk.

39:20.502 --> 39:21.583 [TB]: We had other people in there as well.

39:22.163 --> 39:26.068 [TB]: If you do, if you watch this, I would love to hear your thoughts, friends.

39:26.908 --> 39:28.150 [TB]: Same goes for your thoughts on the book.

39:29.420 --> 39:38.564 [TB]: Leave your thoughts in the comment section below on the YouTube version of this podcast or on the Spotify version or send them my way on X or Instagram or wherever you can find me.

39:39.644 --> 39:45.427 [TB]: Or actually go use the voice message function over on the Spotify podcast page.

39:46.328 --> 39:48.049 [TB]: So I can actually hear your voice.

39:48.069 --> 39:58.633 [TB]: You hear mine all the time, but so I can hear your voice, what you have to say, and even share your bits of brilliance with the rest of the truth at all costs audience.

39:58.653 --> 39:59.153 [TB]: How about that?

39:59.693 --> 40:00.373 [TB]: That would be cool.

40:01.314 --> 40:04.055 [TB]: Links to all those places just mentioned are in the description.

40:04.495 --> 40:08.176 [TB]: All right, friends, if you're still tuned in, I want to thank you.

40:08.256 --> 40:11.898 [TB]: I'm no longer hosting cross defense, as you probably know, but here we are.

40:13.655 --> 40:18.496 [TB]: 2024, didn't expect to be building a new podcast, but we're at truth at all costs.

40:19.437 --> 40:24.818 [TB]: With this first episode in the bag, the syndication process can get underway.

40:24.858 --> 40:28.179 [TB]: So if you're not finding the podcast and other platforms just yet, give it a minute.

40:28.259 --> 40:28.859 [TB]: It's going to be there.

40:29.399 --> 40:32.720 [TB]: It's getting circulated throughout all the podcast platforms.

40:32.760 --> 40:35.781 [TB]: So you'll be able to find it on the platform that you like to listen to podcasts on.

40:36.721 --> 40:41.827 [TB]: And if you like to watch the show, you can definitely do that both here on Spotify and on YouTube.

40:41.887 --> 40:49.375 [TB]: I say here, but I don't know exactly what you're watching this Spotify or YouTube with the option to switch between video and audio on both those platforms.

40:49.435 --> 40:53.640 [TB]: So should you need to avoid the latency issues and go to just the audio or something?

40:54.040 --> 40:54.460 [TB]: It's all there.

40:54.541 --> 40:55.301 [TB]: So you have that good stuff.

40:56.002 --> 41:10.091 [TB]: As you heard earlier in the show, the launch of the new podcast comes with all kinds of ways you can support it financially so that we can expand the influence of strong, faithful Christianity in our godless culture.

41:11.112 --> 41:14.814 [TB]: We don't have to sit back and watch our culture go to pot.

41:15.755 --> 41:24.180 [TB]: We can fight the good fight of faith, bring people the law and the gospel and watch our society come back to life as a by-product.

41:25.168 --> 41:26.049 [TB]: That's what I want to see.

41:26.969 --> 41:28.110 [TB]: I want faithfulness.

41:28.670 --> 41:29.330 [TB]: I think you do too.

41:29.390 --> 41:34.633 [TB]: So if this sounds like something you want to get behind, we would love to have you join the effort.

41:34.733 --> 41:49.181 [TB]: Pick up a shirt from the merch store, buy your books from butterfatbooks via, or become a member of my YouTube channel at the partner, underwriter, or producer level, or just donate however much you'd like to donate at

41:50.362 --> 41:58.592 [TB]: That's what, like I said, a fellow fan of the show of my previous teaching on a previous podcast did to the tune of 500 bucks last week.

42:00.438 --> 42:06.880 [TB]: He wanted to make sure the quality content continued to flow even without institutional support.

42:06.900 --> 42:08.701 [TB]: So, man, awesome.

42:08.821 --> 42:10.241 [TB]: Thank you so very much for doing that.

42:10.261 --> 42:11.181 [TB]: You know who you are, sir.

42:11.542 --> 42:12.902 [TB]: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

42:13.302 --> 42:15.023 [TB]: And that's gonna do it for this week's show.

42:15.383 --> 42:27.567 [TB]: If you found it valuable, consider liking it, subscribing to it on my channel here on YouTube, and clicking the notification bell so you know when I post new videos of truth at all costs, sermons,

42:28.487 --> 42:32.889 [TB]: The conference videos with Dr. Kuntz, the next one's coming up next week, I hope.

42:33.270 --> 42:34.250 [TB]: We'll get that out very soon.

42:34.850 --> 42:40.113 [TB]: If you're listening on a different podcast platform, we'd greatly appreciate a five-star review and sharing the show with a friend.

42:40.873 --> 42:52.680 [TB]: Every day is a gift from God, not for ourselves, but in service to our neighbors, where we pursue peace, if possible, the truth at all costs.

42:52.700 --> 42:55.281 [TB]: I'll talk to you next week.